What does music mean to me?
Music is a food or fuel for the brain
According to the extensive research of Daniel Levitin, Neuroscientist and Musician, neuroscience tells us that music activates every region of the brain that has been mapped. Music literally lights up your brain, expands your awareness, opens your mind to new possibilities, activates latent potential, expands your ability to be creative, to perform and lead better. Whether that’s in creative activities such as design, problem solving in teams, visioning in leadership or things that involve timing like in sport, dance or other performances.
Music connects us
It helps us to feel connected and understood when we feel isolated or alone. It creates space for shared experiences, shared moments of connection and love which allows us to create a sense of belonging, deeper bonds with colleagues, friends, family, peers and other relationships. It also connects us to past experiences by anchoring to feelings and memories in our body and our mind, creating comforting feelings of nostalgia. Experiences that we can more easily recall through music.
Music moves us
Emotionally and physically. It is a catalyst for state change. It can energise us or calm us. It gives us the ability to express ourselves fully, especially when words are not enough, to heal, to process and move beyond grief and suffering.
Music supports and guides us
It contains wisdom we can access and utilise through profound lyrics and messages. It makes light of the heavy, turns seriousness into playfulness, effort into effortless, dis-ease into ease, anger into pleasure, despair into joy, disconnection into connection. Not through turning away from challenging and difficult experiences and emotions, but by turning into them. Facing and moving through them.
Music helps us to be present
...in the moment, to get out of our heads and cluttered minds, to access intuition and our inner wisdom.
Music doesn’t limit who you are
Music allows you to be who you are beyond judgement, titles, expectations, achievements and ego.
Music never started any wars
Music doesn’t divide, it allows our masculine and feminine energies to dance together. There’s no separation of our energies.
Music helps us lead fuller lives
As Dr Wayne Dyer said, "Don't die with your music still in you!"